Here is all options of Step Form Wizard plugin.
Option | Description | Values | Default |
duration | Length of animation time between steps. | Number | 500 |
timingFunction | Animation function. More easing functions are available with the use of plugins, most notably the jQuery UI suite. | swing | linear | 'swing' |
linkNav | Navigation as a link or simple text. | true | false | true |
showNav | Position of navigation. You can also hide navigation. | 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left' | true | false | true |
showNavNumbers | If numbers in navigation aren't necessary, you can hide them. | true | false | true |
showLegend | Show headline legend on top of the content. | true | false | true |
showButtons | Show navigation buttons (Next, Prev, Finish) at bottom of the wizard. | true | false | true |
nextBtn | Template for next button. Class "next-btn" is necessary, other classes can be replaced. | Javascript with HTML as default. |
prevBtn | Template for previous button. Class "prev-btn" is necessary, other classes can be replaced. | Javascript with HTML as default. |
prevBtn | Template for finish button. Class "finish-btn" is necessary, other classes can be replaced. | Javascript with HTML as default. |
onNext | Function for any issue of your choice (for example control of validation. | Name of function or anonymous function. First parameter is a number of actual step, second parameter is jquery wrap for wizard. | function(i) {} |
onPrev | Function for any issue of your choice (for example control of validation. | Name of function or anonymous function. First parameter is a number of actual step, second parameter is jquery wrap for wizard. | function(i) {} |
onFinish | Function for any issue of your choice (for example control of validation. | Name of function or anonymous function. First parameter is a number of actual step, second parameter is jquery wrap for wizard. | function(i) {} |
onSlideChanged | Function for any issue of your choice (for example control of validation. | Name of function or anonym function. First parameter is a number of actual step, second is the number of coming step. | function(to, from) {} |
stepOffset | This is offset in pixels between two steps. | Number | 10 |
height | Height can be little tricky and you have 4 options to handle it. | 'first' (height as first step) | 'auto' (flexible height) | 'tallest' (height as tallest step) | number (height in pixels) | 'first' |
theme | Graphics design for wizard | 'sea' | 'sky' | 'simple' | 'circle' | 'sea' |
markPrevSteps | Visually different previous steps | false | true | false |
startStep | Starting step after wizard is loaded | Number (counting from 0) | 0 |
Name | Description | Example |
sf-loaded | Is triggered after wizard is initialized. |
sf-step-before | Is triggered before transition to next/before step and still can be interrupted. |
sf-step-after | Is triggered after transition to next/before step is done. |
sf-finish | Is triggered after transition to next/before step was done. |
Name | Description | Return | Example |
next | For shifting step to next one. It will submit form if you call method on last step | true | false |
prev | For shifting step to previous one. | true | false |
finish | For submitting form. | true | false |
refresh | If you need redrawing of wizard after pictures or font were loaded. | undefined |